Friday Night Notes
Saturday, May 04, 2013
warm weather is back...With the warm weather returning to Canada's Capital Region, the downtown marketplace was quite busy with lots of people filling the outdoor patios of restaurants and bars. We shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with thousands of lost souls through open-air preaching, tract distribution and a few Bible signs posted around the market. In the picture above, you can see a man and a woman reading our 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Bible sign.
It was another rather smooth night of evangelism. Surprising considering the surge in people. Usually, when the market gets more crowded, we face far more adversity, but not so tonight. Praise God! Oh, there were mockers, but all in all, things went well. Only one of our signs was knocked down by disgruntled sinners, and that despite the fact that many souls stopped by to read our signs.
I got some nice encouragement by a few men and women who professed faith in Christ. A number of thumbs up from people who walked by, and on a few occasions, I got a "keep it up!" Both Pastor Tim and I handed out more tracts tonight than we have in the last four to eight weeks put together. Again, the added volume is likely the cause.
I had a single one-on-one conversation with a sinner, and I don't think it was very profitable. The man was obviously a homeless drunkard, yet still professed faith in Christ, though he also said the was a "Roman Catholic". He spent a great deal of time explaining to me how he had a near death experience in which he saw Heaven and Hell, and how a tiny wooden cross around his neck kept him from evil. When I asked him if he had been drinking tonight, he said yes, and ended our conversation. The Lord be merciful.
On my way home, after three hours of street evangelism, I ran into Brother Layton and his group of evangelists near a downtown mall. It was really good to talk to him. He said I was an encouragement to him. Well, he's an encouragement to me! Brother Layton and I don't agree on a few important points of doctrine, but I love him. I love him because he is an honest man who loves the Lord, and that, not just in word, but in action. Despite serious poor health, the man labours faithfully to fulfill the Great Commission. The Lord bless him and help him.
I'm off to bed now... it's been another crazy week. I am scheduled to preach the evening service on the Lord's Day, so I covet your prayers, dear saints.
Have a blessed weekend,
2:40 AM
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