C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
another post that might not be too popular...Well, Amy and Beth were right, it was a bit of a trick Poll question. That being said, friends, one should not be timid in pointing out error when one sees it. You see, even the Saved are often guilty of "man-worship", which in the end, is idolatry. There is no doubt that the whole list I put down in my last post is, among other things, Roman Catholic false teaching. Specifically, it is false doctrines that none other that C.S. Lewis adhered to.
C.S. Lewis is often called one of the greatest Christian apologists, but considering his grave theological errors, I ask you: how can this be? Even the late Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones declared that C.S. Lewis' views on salvation and Christ's substitutionary atonement were "defective". Not only do I put in question that C.S. Lewis was a Christian apologist of any significance, I put in question his very Christianity.
I know Lewis' works. I've read "The Great Divorce", "Mere Christianity" and parts of "The Screwtape Letters". All and all, I wasn't impressed. "The Great Divorce" was cute fiction, and "The Screwtape Letters" was creepy fiction, but in the end, they were both vain FICTION, with very little by way of edifying theology (if any at all). "Mere Christianity" on the other hand, was not meant to be fiction, it was an attempt at boiling down Christianity to it's very base, and that was the problem with this book. In "Mere Christianity", Lewis attempts to present how pure and wonderful Christianity is in it's foundation, before dumb-dumbs like Rand come along and complicate things with holiness and DOCTRINE (oh no! I said the "d" word!).
Let me also add that a believer really doesn't need to read C.S. Lewis to see that there is something fishy going on with his books. Notice that every faith, from the Roman Catholic to the Mormon, from the Anglican to the Pentecostal, all these groups are perfectly okay with Lewis' writings. Am I really one of the few who finds this to be a bit weird? As far as I'm concerned, the only way an author can get away with pleasing such a large variety of faiths is to write fluff and stuff (nothing concrete), or to be everything to everyone; neither being very profitable to the Christian, or honoring to God.
Beware of C.S. Lewis' works my friends. Guard yourself from esteeming men who do not conform to the proper doctrines of the Word of God (and I'm not only speaking of C.S. Lewis here, teachers/preachers like Chuck Colson, Max Lucado and Billy Graham are just three names that quickly came to mind).
Friends, don't be afraid to say: "I know this teacher/author is popular, but he just doesn't measure up!"
8:54 PM
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