
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

The foolishness called Baha'i

Monday, July 04, 2005
it's all about using your head...

A few weeks ago, I received the following e-mail at my workplace:

This is an invitation to all who are interested in an hour of social-devotional session at "Rand's workplace". The aim is to promote religious and cultural harmony amongst all people. The program will be a friendly one during which prayers from different religions is shared, discussions welcome and fellowship encouraged. Small refreshment would also be served!

Though the e-mail didn't mention it, I knew EXACTLY what it was all about... Baha'i! If you've never heard of it, Baha'i is a faith which believes:

1- that God can be made known to man through manifestations that have come at various stages of human progress; prophets include Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab, and Baha Allah.

2- in the unity of all religions, in universal education, in world peace, and in the equality of men and women.

3- in one international language and one international government.

4- simplicity of living and service to the suffering.

Put simply, Baha'i can be summarized with this statement: "let's all get together and get along!"

Sounds harmless enough doesn't it? Yet, it is quite harmful. You see, Baha'i lacks one important element to make it a righteous faith. The one element? Truth. Consider this example:

A man walks on the beach on a lovely summer morning, under a beautiful, cloudless sky. He meets up with a friend and declares: "What a beautiful day! Look at that beautiful blue sky!"

To this, his friend replies: "It is indeed a beautiful day, but the sky isn't blue, it's green!"

Another man walks by and overhearing the conversation, adds: "Are you fellows blind? The sky isn't blue or green, it is a soothing yellow!"

A great dissention begins between all three men and that's when a fourth man shows up on the scene and says: "Gentlemen, gentlemen! let's not argue, you are all correct. The sky is blue, green and a soothing yellow! It all depends on how you look at it."

Now friends, on a cloudless summer morning, what colour is the sky? It is of course, blue. If anyone came to you and said it was any other colour, you would think he was either colour blind or he was just trying to irritate you. Now what of the fourth man in my example. Could the sky be blue, green and yellow all at once? OF COURSE NOT! The man who takes such a position is either stupid, or he thinks the three other men are stupid enough to believe that the morning sky is multi-coloured.

This is the foolishness of Baha'i. It tries to bring together different faiths by confessing that all of them are true, or at least, partly true. The problem of course, is that the tenets of various faiths are different and are often (if not always) exclusive. Just consider these three examples:

1- God:

Hinduism: Three main impersonal gods, and millions of lesser gods..
Christianity: There are three persons in one God. All of the same substance and nature, co-equal and co-eternal.
Islam: One impersonal God.

2- Jesus Christ:

Hinduism: Not God. Not the Son of God. One of the many sons of God.
Christianity: God and the Son. 2nd Person of the Trinity. He is 100% God and 100% man. He was/is the only sinless man.
Islam: Not God. A mere man who was beneath Mohammed in importance. He did not die for man’s sins.

3- Sin:

Hinduism: There is no absolute good or evil.
Christianity: Sin is breaking the Laws of God. All men have sinned. The penalty of sin is eternal physical and spiritual death.
Islam: Not following the commandments of Allah, and Islamic Law.

And there you have it! The three men arguing about the colour of the sky. The three major faiths in the example above are definitely NOT seeing the same thing on many key matters of faith, so how can it be that Baha'i will bring all them around into one? How is it that all are right and good according to the Baha'i when it is clear that the stand of one is opposite to the others?


When someone says they believe in everything, it means they believe nothing. If Christianity is right, then Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism...etc... are all wrong; just as if the sky is blue on a clear summer morning, it isn't green or yellow.

Do I think the leaders of the Baha'i movement are stupid? No! I think that many who follow Baha'i are stupid, but not those who have engineered and continue to promote the faith. You see, Baha'i very deceptively takes advantage of people's ignorance. Most people don't have a clue of the differences between the various world faiths (most a willfully ignorant), and so when Baha'i shows up with catch phrases like: "religious and cultural harmony amongst the people", well, it sounds pretty good to them. And once they are hooked in, well then comes the teachings of the Bab and Baha Allah, which are teachings that are rejected, in varying degrees, by all world faiths.

Now you look around my blog... all my cards are on the table. There is no deceit here. My faith is spelled out in no uncertain terms. I am a Christian fundamentalist. No Islam, no Hinduism, no Buddhism. Why? Because these faiths are opposed to my faith in their tenets and in their practices. If you are a Christian, have no part of Baha'i. The Bible is all too clear:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

Friends, Baha'i is a wicked, deceitful, false religion... keep yourselves from it.

12:20 PM
  • At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Kristine said…

    Thank you for writing about the Baha'i Faith. The invitation you received was deceptive if it didn't mention the meeting was Baha'i. Deception is what Satan does. . . but Baha'is don't believe Satan is real - I should know - I was a Baha'i for thirty years but after I started reading the Bible on my own I left the religion and eventually was saved. Hallelujah!

    I became a Baha'i at the age of seventeen without any Christian background (my parents were agnostic) and was completely deceived by these false teachings. Now I'm committed to letting people know the Baha'i interpretations of Bible prophecies are false. They fooled me when I was seventeen . . . causing me to take a thirty year detour into a cult. I would love to be able to prevent someone else from going through that.

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