Friday Night Notes
Saturday, May 31, 2014
finally back...
It had been a while, but I finally back out preaching the Gospel tonight. I missed a few weeks due to house renovations, rain, and vacationing. It's been a wild month... and June promises to be equally hectic. Posts may be sporadic. Sorry.
The market was real busy tonight. After a long, cold winter, I'm always surprised at how busy, and loud the market gets. The Lord had a people out there tonight, but by my estimation, they were few and far between. I'm not complaining. I'm quite at ease with being used of the Lord for a single soul whenever He wills, but I'd be lying if I didn't point out that watching so many choose death... well... it's pretty depressing.
I did have wonderful conversations with young believers early in our evangelistic endeavor. I spoke with a young man from Iran, who fled his native country, due to the lack of freedom and the scourge of Islam. He escaped to Turkey where a saint shared the Gospel with him, and the Lord saved him. He's been in Canada for a little more than a year now, and the Lord seems to have blessed him. I invited him to visit our assembly and he seemed favourable to the idea.
I also spoke with another young man named Nick. He's a new believer, and has been attending a Pentecostal church (a poor one at that...). He realizes that there are depths of knowledge, important doctrines that he isn't seeing or understanding yet, but he claimed he wanted to learn. I suggested some quality time in Bible study, and a few resources that could help him. I gave him one of our tracts and suggested he contact us if he ever needed, or wanted our help.
I met a few saints tonight who offered me kind words or encouragement. The Lord bless them for their support. Another item of praise: not one of our Bible signs was kicked to the ground tonight. Three hours of street preaching, and no one kicked our signs. That hadn't happened in a long time! Should I be this happy about that?
Got a lot to do this weekend... I'm signing off. God bless you, dear readers.
3:47 AM