Friday Night Notes
Saturday, April 27, 2013
still chilly... but definitely busier...With larger numbers of souls in the market, both Pastor Tim and I handed out a good number of Bible tracts; far more than what we've been giving out over the winter months. Hundreds, if not thousands of souls heard something of the Gospel of Christ and/or read one of our Bible signs. The Lord use these seeds as He sees fit!
A number of things came as a surprise tonight. First and foremost was the fact that we ministered the Gospel for three hours and no one knocked down any of our Bible signs. We had five signs out tonight and not one hit the ground. Second was that despite the higher numbers of sinners, the mockery and opposition wasn't grievous at all. I really expected more trouble than we actually faced. Third was another chance meeting with Sebastien, an old high school buddy of mine. The first time he saw me preaching the Gospel downtown, over a decade ago, he mocked me publicly, but the last two or three meetings, he's made it a point to come see me, just to say "hello". Time really does have a beneficial effect on some souls.
I dealt with a few drunks tonight... all of them professing to have "Jesus-in-their-hearts". Most of these souls have heard the Gospel a hundred times, and I'm sure that on a certain level, they really want to have "Jesus-in-their-hearts"; problem is, they want Him to share the real estate with the bottle. It's a truly pathetic and sad sight.
Pastor Tim spoke to an old acquaintance who, at one time, professed faith in Christ, but has since wandered back into the world. He dealt with her and her boyfriend and things seem to have gone well. They said they would make it out for church service on the Lord's Day; we both hope they do just that, but we've heard such promises before.
On two different occasions, I had kind women come by to offer me words of encouragement with a "God bless you". Those are always so refreshing when preaching the Gospel in the midst of "vanity fair".
There's more, but I'm too tired to keep typing. I must be getting old, when it gets passed midnight, I start shutting down...
God bless you, dear readers. Have a safe and good weekend, and a glorious Lord's Day.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (2 Timothy 4:1-2)
1:12 AM
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