Friday Night Notes
Saturday, September 08, 2012
well... that was better...
Last week's evangelism night was pretty depressing, as my notes on last Friday clearly indicated. No doubt tonight, the Lord willed to refresh us a bit... (it was desperately needed).
It isn't to say that everything was honky dory, with the University students back in town, there was no shortage of drunk young people mocking and blaspheming. There were also a few homosexuals who couldn't walk by without making some rude remarks. Unlike last week however, the Lord sent us some souls to refresh us, and gave us a number of one-on-one conversations that were quite pleasant.
During my first shift of street preaching, a young couple who were walking on the other side of the street took notice of me, and immediately crossed over to my side. The young lady made it clear that she was quite happy to see me doing the work of an evangelist, and blessed me with many kind words. The two professing believers were visiting from France, where according to them, the Lord was working a noticeable awakening. Their church in Paris went from a membership of five souls, to 200 in less than two years. They said the Lord was saving all manner of souls, and that there was reason to hope the work of the Lord was just beginning. It was a real encouragement to hear of the glorious works of salvation from these two kind souls. Before leaving, the young lady insisted on praying for me, and encouraged me to labour on, that "they who sow in tears, shall reap in joy" (Psalm 126:5).
Shortly after, when Pastor Tim took over the preaching duties, I had another good conversation with a young street musician. I wondered at first if he was looking to mock me, or waste my time with unprofitable questions, but he asked questions, and respectfully listened to biblical answers. We didn't go too deep in Scripture, but I did correct some of his incorrect views on Scripture, and he took it pretty well. I hope the Lord will give me opportunity to share more of the Gospel with him in the near future (he did take a Gospel tract...).
During my second shift of street preaching, a group of six or seven Muslims walked over to me to hear what it was I was preaching. Conversations with Muslims doesn't usually go too well, but the Lord guided me and I was able to keep things from degenerating into a vain debate. I was able to explain the Trinity, the total depravity of Man, and salvation through faith in Jesus alone without any mockery and scorn from the group. I think a few souls within the group began to feel uncomfortable with the soundness of my arguments, and began to encourage their friends to say goodbye, and move on. Sadly, it worked. Here's hoping the Lord will use what they heard from me to save them out of the false religion of Islam.
At my third and last shift of street preaching, a taxi driver parked across the street from our preaching spot, got out of the car, and walked towards me with his hand extended toward me:
"Ah!" he said while grabbing hold of my hand. "You're doing such a great thing! Can I get you a bottle of water or something? I'm so glad you're doing the Lord's work. You and I, we're brothers and I'm really glad to meet you."
I found out that the man belongs to a small Ethiopian church near my house, and he definitely has a great love for the Lord and his people. The Lord bless him for his kindness toward me.
While I was having some fellowship with the taxi driver, Pastor Tim had a couple of one-on-one conversations. I don't think things went that well in the final analysis, but he did get to share quite a bit of truth to some lost souls. The Lord use it as he sees fit.
About half an hour before calling it a night, an older couple came by to take a Gospel tract from me. The man seemed reticent, but the woman was quite keen. She wanted to know more about my Gospel and even wanted to hear my testimony. She concluded our conversation with the French-English expression: "C'est l'fun!" (that is, "that's cool"). She took a tract before being more or less led away by her man. Again, the Lord use what I shared with them as He sees fit.
I thank the Lord for good night of evangelism. I truly hope and pray that wonderful works of salvation and sanctification will grow out of the efforts of us two soldiers of the Cross, by God's wonderful grace alone.
Good night, dear readers.
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12)
2:32 AM
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