
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Canada Day

Monday, July 01, 2013
back from vacation... and back to work!!!

Just got back from a family vacation, which explains the lack of blogging of late.  Sorry for not giving you a heads-up about that, dear readers, but IT-security 101 dictates that you don't announce to the world when you will be out of town for several days!  We spent a week at a great cottage and had a fantastic time; kids did plenty of fishing, my wife got some peace-and-quiet, and I had fun with some nature photography (see some of my finds below).

We got back in time for the Lord's Day, which is always a busy day, and then July 1st, Canada Day.  So I wasn't in town for more than a day, and I was running around!

Today was a big day, as far as our church evangelism is concerned.  Seven-plus hours of open-air evangelism, ministering to tens of thousands lost sinners.  The work this year was somewhat easier since nearly everyone in our assembly got involved.  Brothers Rod, Marcio, Mattaeus, Ian, and my sisters-in-the-Lord Marcia, Jenn and Evelyna joined Pastor Tim and I with Bible signs.  My two eldest children and Pastor Tim's wife also joined us, so there was twelve of us out there (thirteen when we add Brother Ian's young son, Reheim, who despite the hard looks of some sinners, courageously handed out some Bible tracts).

The noise level downtown was so high from very early in the day, we didn't bother trying to preach the Gospel.  We just picked street corners, and with Bible signs in our hands, we gave out Gospel literature to all those who would receive it.  After seven hours, we went through our whole stock of tracts!

All of us had a number of one-on-one conversations with sinners; many of them were quite unprofitable, but some were good and there is hope the Lord may have opened the hearts of some lost sheep today.  That said, it should be noted that the number of souls that displayed a genuine interest in the Gospel were very few and far between.  For the most part, we were mocked and scorned.  Thankfully, I don't think any of us were threatened (I know I wasn't).

So all in all, a sad day in which we saw undeniable evidence that Canada has forgotten God, and is quite ripe of judgment... but we soldier on, knowing that our work is primarily for the glory of God.  May He use our work as He sees fit.

"The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Psalm 9:17)

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Eastern Bluebird

Cedar Waxwing

Indigo Bunting


Chestnut-Sided Warbler


Red-Eyed Virio

Map Turtle

Eastern Kingbird

Red Fox
11:58 PM
  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Great pictures, praying for you all. Bro. Tom Newton

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