Friday Night Notes
Saturday, September 21, 2013
a busy night...It's like summer just doesn't want to give up just quite yet. It was remarkably warm tonight, and the market was buzzing with people. Pastor Tim and I shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with lots of people, and that, with little by way of persecution. Praise the Lord.
It's funny how things work out sometimes on our customary night of evangelism. Tonight, the little hardship we encountered was pretty much directed at Pastor Tim in particular. On two occasions, a couple of men tried to disrupt his preaching, a drunkard gave him a bit of a hard time, and someone knocked down a Bible sign the good preacher had set up near where he was handing Bible tracts. There have been nights where I have been the whipping-boy and wondered why Pastor Tim had gotten away scot-free; it was a bit funny to see the reverse effect.
I had the opportunity to speak at length with three young women who professed faith in Christ. All of them were quite open about the fact that their walk with the Lord was less then stellar, so I encouraged them to cleave unto the Lord. One of the ladies told me that she often rebelled against the Lord, but would always come back, fearing the Lord's judgment. I reminded the woman of 1 John 4:18...
"The reason you fear judgment," I said, "is because your love for God isn't anywhere near perfect. If you want to stop living in fear and disappointment, give yourself to the Lord and to what He would have you do."
All three women agreed with my assessment and thanked me for speaking with them. They took a number of pictures of all of us around one of our Bible signs, and went on their way. I truly hope my wife doesn't come across these pictures on the internet of something... me and three good-looking ladies in the market one a Friday night... might have some 'splaining-to-do.
Pastor Tim had a good conversation with a couple of Muslims. He focused on the need for a sacrifice for sin; something that is lacking in the Qu'ran's teachings. I don't think Pastor Tim convinced the men, but he sure gave them food for thought. The Lord be merciful to them.
The last hour I was out there tonight was quite difficult. My seasonal allergies flared up and it wasn't pretty! I did my best to keep it together, but I went through a whole lot of Kleenex in the process. I was mighty thankful the Lord didn't bring anyone to me at that point; I don't think I could have carried a conversation. What a curse these allergies are.
That's it for this week's summary of our evangelistic effort. I'm off to bed. Before I go however, a great big "congratulations" to brother Joseph and his wife on the birth of their first child; the Lord bless you and your family.
2:59 AM
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