
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Our Father-Son Camping Trip

Monday, September 26, 2005
City slickers? I don't think so!

Last week, I took my eldest son out for a father-son camping trip at Algonquin Park. We spent 3 days and 2 nights out in the great outdoors. Our days were mostly spent taking nature walks in Canada's beautiful boreal forest; and it is worth noting that the colors of the leaves as my country enters the fall season only accentuated the forest's beauty.

Here are a few pictures I took while at the park... you'll notice my son is the star of all the pictures...

Our home away from home.

A rather long climb up a hill covered with long evergreen needles.

My boys favorite discovery! A small stream running between large and small rocks. We spent a good hour here.

A very large rock covered in moss. My boy thought sitting in the middle of it was "soooo cool!"

Taking a break on an old tree trunk next to a still stream.

Another large rock my son just had to take a break on.

My son's second favorite spot: the edge of a very high cliff. We could see miles and miles of the park from up there.

And that was our camping trip. For now and for the next few years, it'll be my eldest and I alone who will be going to the annual "father and son camp", but I look forward to the day when I'll be able to bring both my sons with me.

In closing, not wanting to be charged with favoritism, here is a short video of my daughter feeding my youngest his cereal... it's pretty hilarious (she's such a little sneak).

