
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Revival Conference 2008 - Audio Sermons

Saturday, August 09, 2008
some good stuff to listen to...

For a number of years now, our home church organized "Revival Meetings" in the hopes that the Lord would revive His work in the midst of the years (Habakkuk 3:2). Basically, these meetings were an attempt to get our church membership to walk closer with the Lord through prayer, fasting, praise and worship as well as Bible preaching on revivals in the Bible.

Don't misunderstand... this wasn't a "charismatic-style" Christian party, or the seeking of some sort of "second blessing" from the Lord. I define "revival" as simply "a return to what saved saints of God should be". For example, if one looks at the revival is the days of Ezra (see Ezra 9 and Ezra 10), you won't read of a big band playing "I Will Magnify" with a large crowd waving their hands in the air. You won't read of believers becoming "super-believers" either. What you will read about is how those who feared God gathered and sought God's favour through a re-dedication to a life of obedience.

That's what my local assembly was up to last week.

The result? Don't know yet. Time will tell how profitable these meetings were. No doubt there was a lot of praying going on. No doubt we heard some very profitable sermons. No doubt we gave God glory through hymn worship and simply speaking of His awesome Person. Revival however, isn't only doing these things for a week of special meetings. The obedience and godliness must be on-going. So we'll wait on the Lord; that is, we will serve Him and look unto Him for His favour and blessing, hoping to receive a time of refreshing from Him.

There was a lot of good stuff going on last week, and as it always is with us fallen sinners, there was some bad. The prayer time, the preaching and the singing of Scripture songs were all a real blessing to my weary soul. We had the president of Georgia Baptist College and Seminary and pastor of Peachtree Baptist Church, Dr. David Dickerson preaching all the evening sermons and his sermons were excellent; here they are, and watch out for the "Southern-style" of preaching (lol):

Wednesday Evening Sermon - 1King 17 (To survive in days of apostasy: God's means of Grace)
Thursday Evening Sermon - 1King 18 (Active against adultery and immorality)
Friday Evening Sermon - 1King 18 (Bloody sacrifice)
Saturday Evening Sermon - 1King 19; Eph.6; 2Cor.10.3-5 (Spiritual warfare)
Sunday Morning Sermon - 1King 19 (Fruit of revival)

We were also blessed by the preaching of our head pastor, Tom Newton, our Quebec city evangelist and church planter, Marcel Longchamps, and a brother pastoring a small church in Dolgeville, New York, Scott Yager. Here are their sermons:

Pastor Tom Newton - 2 Chr. 7.14 (Turn from wicked ways: self-life)
Brother Marcel Longchamps - 2 Chr. 7.14 (Turn from wicked ways: Practical view)
Pastor Scott Yager - 2 Chr. 7.14 (Turn from wicked ways: Terminology view)

If you are truly evangelistic fundamentalists, dear readers, I'm sure you will all be blessed by these sermons, as I have been.

God bless you all, dear readers, and stay tuned, more posts to come...


Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? (Psalm 85:6)
