
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Friday Night Notes

Saturday, July 12, 2008
good to be back at it...

It was another "sell-out-crowd" in the market tonight. Thousands of souls crowded the streets and pastor Tim and I were right in the middle, preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything went as well as it could, really. I have no accounts of mass conversions or a great revival to announce, but we were able to share the Gospel with many souls tonight. Many listened attentively to our preaching, even more took Gospel literature, and a good number of souls asked us some questions concerning our Hope. On a number of occasions, we were even able to disarm and speak kindly to those who hated our preaching. Thank the Lord for His lovingkindness towards us street preachers.

Our night of street preaching didn't start out too great though... we had a very, very unstable woman who hindered our efforts for several minutes. That was no fun. She claimed that she had been reincarnated several times, and then claimed she was a 'catholic', and to top it all off, she claimed to be a Christian. I attempted to set the woman straight, but failed miserably. Pastor Tim didn't even try, he just did his best to get the woman to leave. She eventually did, cursing and hollering at us.

After that unpleasantness, the Lord gave us a smooth night. No one threatened us, and the mockery wasn't anywhere near the usual level of intensity and vileness. Several people stopped by and listened, for several minutes, to our preaching. Many more stopped right in front of us to carefully read the Scriptures on our Bible signs. The Lord use His Word to effect the Second Birth in some of these souls.

The Lord also greatly blessed me and encouraged me by reuniting me with a young man named Mike. I had shared the Gospel with Mike several months ago on one of our Friday nights of evangelism and I had even given him my pocket Bible (for he was interested in reading the Scriptures and didn't own a Bible). He came by tonight, shook my hand, thanked me for dealing with him last time we saw each other, and told me he still had my Bible. It's too bad the Lord hasn't saved him yet, but he's got respect for the Gospel and he has that Bible... who knows what the Lord will do?

Moments after my time with Mike, I walked around the market offering Bible tracts to whomever walked by me. One young man took one of my tracts, and then threw it on the ground in disgust. I shrugged my shoulders, picked up the tract and continued my work. That's when I noticed that another young man across the street from me had witnessed the whole sad incident. This man walked over to my side of the street with an extended hand and took from me the tract that the other fellow had thrown to the ground...

"You're doing a good thing," the young man said. "This is born-again, right? My girlfriend is born-again."

"Are you born-again, my friend?" I asked.

"No, but I'm working on it," the young man replied.

"Are you reading the Bible?" I further inquired.

"Yeah, a bit," he answered.

"Well, you keep reading that Book, dear friend," I said. "The Bible says that the Word of God is the incorruptible seed of the New Birth, so if you are to be born-again, it will happen by reading and studying God's Word."

The man thanked me for my time and further encouraged me to press on. The Lord bless him by granting him life, and life eternal.

Finally, moments before we left the marketplace, a Christian couple came by to encourage both pastor Tim and I. The woman was particularly impressed by our evangelistic effort. "You guys are like John the Baptist," she said, "your the voice in this wilderness!" I suppose we were.

That's the Notes for tonight. I again thank you all of you, dear readers for your continued prayers and support. The Lord bless you abundantly.

